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Starting a Blog - "Why Not?"


Well hello there! Welcome to my first blog post. Why am I starting may ask? I'm essentially just living out the renowned lyrics of Hilary Duff circa 2003:

♩ ♪ ♫

Why not Take a crazy chance Why not Do a crazy dance If you lose the moment You may lose a lot So why not Why not

♫♩ ♪

Sorry - Hilary Duff fan at heart here ;) Haha okay but in all seriousness, I just wanted to try something that I haven't done before and pick up a new hobby! I also kept on coming across multiple articles, instagrams, and Pinterest posts about how to start a blog/benefits of having one/etc. and it sparked my interest and seemed pretty simple. This process has actually been really relaxing and stress-relieving and I'm looking forward to express myself creatively through this outlet.

I plan on sharing some of my ideas & interests, favorites, style deals, reviews, verses, life updates, photos, and more when I have some spare time to post! My vision for this blog in the future once I get things rolling is that it could somehow hopefully add just a little bit of encouragement and/or positivity to your day.

I also want to emphasize the fact that we're all just going through life together and even with all of its' wonderful moments, sometimes there can be some rough patches - and the good news is that it's okay! God is always there to help us through it all as we GROW through what we GO through. I'd love to elaborate more on this in a future post - as it is pretty relevant to my life right now!

Thank you so much just for reading this and checking out my site as I tackle this new realm of blogging - it truly means a lot!

♡ Lexus


Colossians 2:6-7

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.




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